2015 SENG 3MT® Competition


    Following the success of the 2014 SENG RPg Communication Competition, the Center for Engineering Education Innovation held the 2015 SENG Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition on April 15, 2015. 3MT® is a research communication competition that aims at challenging research students to consolidate their ideas and research discoveries so that they can be presented concisely to a non-specialist audience. Till today 130 universities from 19 countries have brought 3MT® to campus, such as the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London.

    This year eight students from six departments were shortlisted and presented their research projects to the audience composed of research students and the judging panel including both SENG faculty members and communication professionals. Miss Ping Geng, a CBME PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Guohua Chen, won the championship. The second and the third places went to Miss Miao Yu, a BIEN PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Shuhuai Yao, and Miss Belsy Yuen, a MAE PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Christopher Chao. Miss Ping Geng also won the People’s Choice award, which was chosen by the student audience.

    During the competition, the finalists, the judging panel, and the audience also shared their experience of giving presentations and exchanged ideas about how to improve research presentation skills.

    Judging Panel

    • Prof. King Lun Yeung, Associate Dean of Engineering
    • Prof. T C Pong, Director of the Center for Engineering Education Innovation
    • Dr. Arthur McNeill, Director of the Center for Language Education
    • Prof. David Rossiter, Associate Professor of Engineering Education
    • Mr. Graham Young, Communication Tutor of MAE and IPO

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