
March 19-21, 2025


Each candidate will be allocated 15 minutes for the pre-selection interview. Assigned time slots will be sent to candidates by email.


The venue info will be sent to candidates by email.


HKUST (CWB) PhD and MPhil students


The pre-selection interview aims at selecting finalists with both strong everyday communication skills and strong research presentation skills. 50% of the interview is research related, and the other 50% is about non-research topics. Questions will be randomly selected by candidates during the interview. Each candidate has limited time (e.g. 1, 2, or 3 minutes) to answer each question. No presentation or slide is needed.


Results will be announced by email on or before March 24, 2025


CLICK HERE (on or before March 17, 2025)


April 9, 2025




Room 5619 via Lift 31-32, Academic Building (All finalists should attend in person.)


HKUST (CWB) PhD and MPhil students

Judging panel

HKUST faculty members


Eight finalists will be selected through the pre-selection interview for the final round. Each finalist will have 3 minutes to present his/her research, following the competition rules, competitor guide, and judging criteria provided by the UQ. After each presentation, the finalist should expect questions from the judging panel and audience. His/her performance in the Q&A session will be evaluated together with his/her 3MT® presentation. All the finalists are suggested checking the presentation videos of the 3MT® winners around the world while preparing for the final round.


Champion **

Prize* valued at HK$8,000

If the awardee is an active PhD student when the 2025 Asia-Pacific 3MT® Competition is held, s/he will represent HKUST to compete. Otherwise, the opportunity will be shifted to another eligible awardee.

1st Runner-up **

Prize* valued at HK$5,000

2nd Runner-up

Prize* valued at HK$2,000

People’s Choice

Prize* valued at HK$2,000 (audience’s choice)

* It will be used to cover research-related expenses, including but not limited to conference registration fee and purchase of research-related hardware/ software. The awardees need to provide original receipts, any other supporting documents, and justification about how the purchase is related to research, for reimbursement.

** If the 2025 Asia-Pacific 3MT® Competition resumes the in-person mode, s/he will receive the travel grant of HK$15,000 to participate in the 2025 Asia-Pacific 3MT® Competition. If neither the Champion nor the 1st Runner-up is eligible for the competition, the travel grant for the 1st Runner-up will be given to another awardee who is eligible to compete in the event. (Update on February 27, 2025: The 2025 Asia-Pacific 3MT® Competition will be held virtually.)